Let us examine the meaning of the spiritual path. It is the love of all that is being exemplified in the journey that we undertake in this dimensional and interconnected path to find our way home as evolved beings. It is our journey to becoming the purposeful and inter- dimensional entity that understands that love is all there is. In the twilight of the phases that interject a particle of moral and immoral antecedents within the exercise and practice of living, we emphasize that each individual must be seen to embrace the love that is and of everything: this includes the moral principles of being and the exercise of free will.
It is in the accepted norms that bring us joy, that we begin to see the pathways that are enumerated within the practical aspects of daily living, for life and love are intertwined in the basic laws of being human. Beyond the ordinary inputs that succumb to varying and indifferent tendencies, we bring forth the animated impulses that exercise the disenchanted and pluribus incentives of a knowing dilemma that becomes a variable of actual informative nuances. The insidious phase that we take on the pathways of life ensures that we are the children of a masterful purpose within the design of a fulminating world.
These esoteric measures that are in abeyance as we hurtle along the designated and indefinite trespasses of life, bring us to a place where the decision to proceed or stand still becomes the tenor of the moment. In the ardent pauses of a difficult assignment, the succinct and beleaguered indifferences construe the emotions that bring forth a passionate embrace of the influential threads of a life that is constantly in motion and flux. The influences that entrain our most prudent and delightful imagination brings us into a paradigmatic alignment that portrays a variant of insignificant detail. We, therefore, become the levers of a transient labor that assuages the past, in the form of a memorial to those who seek to bring the forces of love into the equation– that is the formulary of living.
We live in an energetic space that denotes the magnificence and awe with which, the traditional and cultural mores are exemplified to bring the love of all into unison and light. In an insightful and designated form of a characteristic within our pagan and essential markings, we are always succumbing to the fault lines that intersperse the variants of a possessory instigation. Within these particular and improbable facets that presume the interdimensional and scalene apparatus of a world design, we allow for the varying principles of love to intermingle within the intra-terrestrial and the extraterrestrial domains–for these are the proportional investigations that allow the clarity of discernment to become unencumbered by the light of love . This searing glow of light belongs to the adherents of a faraway dimension that insinuates its beams within the particles of an illuminated trajectory that discloses the infinite process of a delineating tract of light.
We explore the framework by which, the attitudes of this fulsome technique derive its agency to fulfill the ever and impulsive detonations of a flagrant process– in creating the multiple agenda of a forthright didactic simulation–to bring into the birthplace of energetic and fractious dominion, the indefatigable emanations that inspire the creative mechanics that guide the spiritual being to assume a specific and arbitrary way of life. The affluence that inhibits the tentative and subjective alignments that occur within the framework of divine and esoteric leanings are always inspired by the jocular and the complex differences that are assigned to each individual.
These assignments, delegated by the inherent impulses to deny the humanity that is embedded within, brings us into a space where the forces of life entrain the fractious elements to guide it towards alignment and equilibrium within the confines of the spiritual way of life. We are always intrigued to find that each being brings an aspect that is predisposed to being the love that they are into the arena of good living. Yet, in the main, the fragile impulses of a purposeful constraint re-emerge to create the constant ebb and flow within the varying areas of critique, and in so doing, they admonish the variant to resume the pathway that energizes and soothes the wandering heart.
We are all ennobled by love. And to the extent that the spirit of love flows within and without our spiritual ether, so too, do we find that our instincts become the shill that escapes into the chasm of despair and joy. The emotional well-being of all is the defined holistic animator of our prepossessing nature, and we therefore return to the balance that promotes the satisfaction that engenders harmony and peace. We are in alignment with our nature, that is in turn, in perfect harmony with our existential forces that intrude within and without the universe of love.
These indefatigable animations are in constant motion, and they enable the collaborations that ensure that the pragmatic and acerbic influences reinforce the microcosmic and the macrocosmic nature of being. The ill-defined interstices of a progressive and dimensional assertion– that all is love and there is nothing that is not love– brings us to a circular conspiratorial refrain that imagines all beings to be on the spiritual path no matter the demeanor, or the attitude that is represented within the domain of an existence that provides the imaginary and the real to be one and the same. We imagine a life of purpose that is the exact replica of that which exposes the insignificant and the purposeful infractions that depicts a way of life.
Yet, we have come to realize that the animate and the inanimate are always in motion, and they become engaged in re-arranging our most treasured presumptions to teach us that control is neither an impulse nor a deterrent that is applied to living within the spiritual domain. Therefore, the spiritual way of life is an ever-changing and protracted adornment that flows within all of life with an ever-changing perspective, and it is determined by the illumination that embraces the level of progress within each aspect of being, and the level of evolution achieved intentionally along the phase of a generational and intergenerational pursuit. We are, therefore, desirous to engage within the limits of purpose and design to anticipate that love is the constant in all things, and the level of inspiration that flows within the spatial definitions will always be guided by love to address the needs of a fulfilled life.